HomeExchange.com (www.HomeExchange.com), the leading vacation alternative for families and avid travelers, is the preferred way for travelers to visit top American cities this summer. Featured cities include: Washington, DC, New York, San Francisco, Orlando, Los Angeles, and popular sites in Colorado, Utah and California for fans of the outdoors. New members to HomeExchange.com can also receive a 25% discount when they purchase a Silver Membership ($99.95), which allows them to search, contact and be contacted by more than 27,000 listings domestically and internationally. This offer, which expires April 30, 2009, is valid by entering "HX2009" as part of the transaction process. (PRWeb Apr 20, 2009)
Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/04/prweb2338594.htm
[Source: PRWeb: Business Entrepreneurs]