Sunday, 22 March 2009

Americas Watchdog Says No More Undocumented Workers In US Residential Construction--AKA Toxic Chinese Drywall

Americas Watchdog is now saying 350,000-plus US homeowners are paying a huge price for undocumented workers building most of the new US homes, since 2001--AKA toxic Chinese drywall. According to the group, "we have been blasting US homebuilders for years, from appraisal fraud that created the US real estate-boom-bust, predatory mortgage lending, to a new potentially lethal development--toxic Chinese drywall. Was tax fraud, appraisal fraud and now a toxic building product really worth it?" The group says "US labor unions would not install the toxic drywall product, undocumented workers would." US homeowners who live in a new US home, built since 2001, that has a sulphur-type smell, charred electrical wiring, repeated AC coil failures should call the Homeowners Consumer Center at 866-714-6466, or contact them via their web site at Http://HomeownersConsumerCenter.Com. (PRWeb Mar 19, 2009)

Read the full story at


[Source: PRWeb: Business Real Estate]

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