Thursday, 29 January 2009

Tap Into The City Sponsors The Museum of the City of New York's Exhibit: Growing and Greening New York

The Museum of the City of New York opened its new exhibit: Growing and Greening New York: PlaNYC and the Future of the City, on December 11th with Mayor Bloomberg giving the opening remarks. The exhibit takes the visitor through a typical day from 7 a.m. through 2 a.m. -- linking routine activities with information documenting their collective impact on the environment, while also offering alternatives and innovations that will lead to greater sustainability by 2030. The "6 pm hour" highlights shopping and sustainability and exposes the environmental impact of drinking bottled water. Tap Into The City's own NYC H2O Reusable Sports Bottle graces the display. (PRWeb Jan 28, 2009)

Read the full story at


[Source: PRWeb: Industry Food]

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